Termination of Anti-Virus Software provided under the Software Comprehensive Agreement between Tokyo Tech and Symantec
To: All Faculty and Staff Members
February 17, 2020
From : ICT Support Division,
Global Scientific Information and Computing Center
Termination of Anti-Virus Software provided under the Software
Comprehensive Agreement between Tokyo Tech and Symantec
Anti-virus software provided under the Software Comprehensive Agreement
between Tokyo Tech and Symantec Corp. (Currently, Symantec Endpoint Protection
(hereafter, SEP) is provided(*1).) is no longer available
after 1st April, 2020.
Currently, a next Anti-Virus Software Agreementis under selection process.
Its information will be provided at
the web page,
whose URL is http://www.officesoft.gsic.titech.ac.jp/index.shtml
ASAP, when the new anti-virus software is decided (after the end of
February, 2020).
Important Note:
1) DO NOT continue to use SEP after 1st April, 2020.
Please UNINSTALL it.
2) Please inform the announcement at the above web page to the students
/members of your laboratory.
3) The condition is same for the servers operating on university-owned
computers which use the above mentioned SEP. The GSIC will collect
information of these servers. Please refer the the followings
(in Japanese only). I appreciate your cooperation.
For the server maintained and managed by the external contractor(s),
please make a contact the contractor(s), and check whether the
contractor(s) can handle the above condition, ASAP.