Site Policy

This site recognizes the importance of protecting the personal information handled during transactions, and we observe the regulations in the Personal Information Protection Law and strive to protect personal information by implementing the policies below.

1. Acquisition of Personal Information
This site acquires personal information by legal and fair means.

2. Use of Personal Information
This site will use acquired personal information for the specified purpose only and will not use it for other purposes.

3. Providing of Personal Information to Third Parties
This site will not provide personal information to third parties without the consent of the individual unless required by law.

4. Safety Management Measures
This site carefully manages personal information and has safety measures in place for preventing unauthorized access, loss, destruction, falsification, leakage, and other improper use of personal information.

5. Disclosure and Correction of Personal Information
In accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law, this site will take proper action when it receives requests for disclosure, correction, or deletion of personal information from the individual.

6. Education and Training
The administrative organization of this site conducts education and training to ensure that staff are fully informed about the proper handling of personal information.


Established on August 19, 2007

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